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If you think I am sleeping you are wrong; I just closed my eyes for a moment because supporting this curving column on my back is not only painful but also tiring.

I live in La Lonja with a lot of friends and at night, when the tourists have all gone, we get together and discuss what we have seen and heard throughout the day.

My friend and I help to illuminate La Lonja. We are made of metal and although we seem to be flying, we are in fact stuck to the wall. Our mouths are open and so maybe we are screaming or just chatting to each other.

Please forgive me if I look a little bit aggressive, but you see, I don’t live up on the roof; I can be found at street level on the House of the Dragons in Calle Sorní, and so I have to frighten people or else they will touch me and take my photograph; and I don’t like that as you can see.

By the way, don’t you think I am incredibly muscular?

You might not notice me at first when you knock on this door; until I bite your hand that is! The owners of this house complain that they don’t receive their mail due to the fact that the postman is afraid of me. The house is in Calle Palau and is called the Palace of the Admiral of Aragon, even though Aragon doesn’t have a coast.

I like to curl myself into a circle, which is a very ancient symbol.

My friends and I live in a church in Calle Cirilo Amorós, just above the main door. Some people say that we are not really dragons, although we usually eat people who say that.

We may not look like traditional dragons; however, that’s what we are, whether you like it or not.

Just because I am smiling doesn’t mean I won’t eat you if I get a chance! I know I look uncomfortable, but that’s because I live at the top of a church in Calle Isabel la Católica, and they only gave me a tiny ledge to sit on, and not much headroom either.

We are very, very hungry dragons because we find it hard to eat. The problem is that if we open our mouths, this balcony might fall down to the street and hurt people.

We live in Calle San Vicente, and the truth is that the pedestrians who walk below our house, really don’t appreciate our sacrifice.

There are four of us; two above the window and two below it, although the truth is we don’t see much of each other.

You can find us in Calle Pascual y Genis, trying to look ferocious to scare thieves in order to discourage them from breaking into the house through our semi-circular window.

You can find me at La Lonja, on the main door and again on the back door. I am placed high up so that horsemen could knock on the door. Don’t worry; although I look like I’m going to attack, you don’t have to touch me to knock at the door.

We live across the street from Colon Market, under a plastic awning. We look as if we are flying, as dragons should, but we have been soldered here for many years now. Nevertheless, at least we have some nice, yellow flowers to keep us company.

It’s so hot here on this balcony, despite the plants, that my tongue is always hanging out and I always seem to feel thirsty; maybe that’s because my tongue, as well as the rest of me, is made of metal.

I live in Calle Calatrava, in the medieval district of Valencia.

Cemeteries can be scary places, which is why my friend and I are always roaring, so as to keep the ghosts away.

Even though we appear to be on a roof, it is in fact a pantheon, and we are only two or three metres above the ground.

The architect who made us was very fond of us, so much so that he is buried here nearby.

Perhaps we are fighting over some food, or just playing around, but the fact is that people are always grabbing us while trying to open this door in Calle Almirante Cadarso, therefore we have to hold on tightly with our teeth.

I’m probably the best dragon you’re ever going to see, and I’m always smiling. The strangest thing about me is my tail, which has a face, which isn’t as happy as I am.

In spite of the fact that I seem to be supporting a big block of stone, don’t worry, it won’t fall on your head, even if I decide to fly away some day.

Until then you can see me on the church in Calle Isabel la Católica.

You probably noticed that there is something unusual about this photograph, and the reason is that we are a reflection in a window across the street, in Calle Colon.

We both look and are ferocious, so, be careful if you walk below us looking at all the shops, since we might fly down there and eat you up!

We look sad owing to the fact that there is a lovely tree in front of us and yet we are stuck to the façade of La Lonja unable to fly over there.

Moreover, our wings are spread and ready to fly, but we have been stuck here for hundreds of years, watching many trees come and go.





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