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Dolce Sentire; a Piece of Cake - Valencia International


Dolce Sentire; a Piece of Cake

Aixa Zunino of Dolce Sentire from Valencia has become a finalist in the Cookie Award category at the Cake Masters Magazine Awards.

The industry’s biggest cake decorating and sugarcraft annual awards show is back this year on 4th November 2017 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole. The 2017 Cake Masters Magazine Awards Finalists have just been announced! From 65,000 nominations, the best of the best across a range of categories have been shortlisted and judged by icons in the industry. The judging panel consists of leading legends in the field of cake decorating from across the globe. Judges include Chef Nicholas LodgeLindy SmithEddie Spence MBEJulia M. Usher and Marina Sousa, who have used their expertise to pick the very best this year.

“Such a high standard of workmanship and creativity, all finalists are so deserving,” said Verusca Walker, Cake Masters Magazine Awards Judge.

The awards were first established in 2012 and are the longest running and largest in the industry. Cake Masters Magazine Awards are where artists are recognised and celebrated across certain categories in cake decorating and sugar artistry. Now in their 6th year, following an astounding 2016 televised ceremony with over 65,000 nominations, the 2017 awards event will take place at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole on 4th November 2017.

This black-tie event is attended by cake artists from across the globe and leading figures in the industry including Will TorrentMich TurnerCarlos LischettiPeggy PorschenMike McCarey and Karen Portaleo to name a few! The evening will include a drinks reception, three course dinner, awards ceremony and after-party to dance the night away, celebrating with the 2017 winners.

“I’m proud to say that these awards are the only one across the world that truly celebrates artists who create amazing masterpieces across various categories. It’s really exciting!”

Many of the finalists have created show-stopping pieces that have garnered respected attention and showcased their growing passion and creativity, showing the growth of the cake decorating industry with no limitations through their creativity and hard work.

All the finalists offer an outstanding level of creativity and determination and it is their attention to detail, innovation and attentiveness in this important and growing field that the awards strive to recognise.

The winners will be announced at the Cake Masters Magazine Awards taking place at Hilton Birmingham Metropole on Saturday 4th November 2017.



Cupcake Award 



Wedding Cake Award Sponsored by Fondarific



Cookie Award



Sculpted Cake Award Sponsored by Renshaw Academy



Best Magazine Cover Award



Best Learning Experience Award Sponsored by Silikomart



Best Product Award Sponsored by Cake International



Royal Icing Award Sponsored by Renshaw



Modelling Excellence Award



Sugar Flowers Awards Sponsored by Rolkem



Cake Hero Award


  • Paul Bradford
  • Chef Nicholas Lodge
  • Karen Portaleo
  • Mike McCarey


Collaboration Award Sponsored by Magic Colours



Best Book Award 


  • 100 Buttercream Flowers: The complete step-by-step guide to piping flowers in buttercream icing by Valeri Valeriano and Christina Ong
  • Modern Sugar Flowers: Contemporary cake decorating with elegant gum paste flowers by Jacqueline Butler
  • The Business of Baking: The book that inspires, motivates and educates bakers and decorators to achieve sweet business success by Michelle Green
  • Valentina’s Sugarland by Valentina Terzieva


Best Show Piece Award Sponsored by Roxy & Rich



Best Retailer Award Sponsored by Rainbow Dust



Best Cake Show Award Sponsored by Global Sugar Artist Network



Rising Star Award Sponsored by Fabricake


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