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Doctor Miracle: Pedro Cavadas - Valencia International


Doctor Miracle: Pedro Cavadas

Enol Jordán is the latest beneficiary of the extraordinary skills of Doctor Pedro Cavadas.

Twelve years ago they told him that he would never walk again, and since he was 10 he had needed a wheelchair to get around, but in September 2020 he walked to the Faculty of Medicine to begin his studies of Medicine.

Enol suffered from a genetic disorder known as Warkany syndrome, and had been told by his doctors in Madrid that he would never walk again.

In desperation they contacted Doctor Cavadas, and after three operations in Manises Hospital and rehabilitation, another miracle was achieved by Valencia’s most famous international doctor.

Another of Doctor Cavadas’s operations consisted of extracting a tumour from 10 year old Emmanuel’s head, a tumour larger than the head itself.

Doctor Cavadas had to operate twice, with each surgery lasting 10 hours.

Unfortunately, Emmanuel died on the plane returning home.

In his previous case, Doctor Cavadas reconstructed the face and a hand of 52 year old Kenyan Lonunuko Lekidenie, who was attacked by a hyena while defending a woman who had previously been attacked.

Willmar Arias was a happy healthy nine year old boy in Guatemala until a stray bullet shattered his life and separated his spine from his pelvis.

Almost 20 years later, after two decades bed-ridden and in great pain, he was ‘reconstructed’ by Doctor Pedro Cavadas, Valencia’s Doctor Miracle, and now gets about in a wheelchair and without permanent pain.

Doctor Cavadas earned the gratitude of the American Navy in April 2018 when he sewed back on the hand of a sailor.

A previous operation carried out by Dr Cavadas undoubtedly saved the life of Kenyan Mike Koech.
Since 2011, when he first met Dr Cavadas this father of three had been operated on four times in the Manises hospital
With the help of the Red Cross, and after having already lost both legs as the result of a fire, the giant tumor in his head was finally, successfully removed.

Most doctors try to be helpful, but when Doctor Pedro Cavadas says he’s going to lend you a hand, then you know that he means it.


Valencia-based Doctor Cavadas is famous throughout the world for his innovative plastic surgery techniques and his ability to save amputated limbs when most others would have resigned themselves to losing them.

Working in various Valencian hospitals and offering his help worldwide from his foundation in Paseo de Facultades 4, the doctor recently made world headlines when he restored an arm severed into four parts to 30 year old Cecilia Molina, who had been mangled by a garlic grinder which had trapped her glove.

In Europe he is the only doctor who has been capable of performing this operation, the only other one being in China.

Another first for Cavadas occurred recently when he sewed back on both the hands of Alba Lucía Carmona, being the first doctor ever to achieve this feat (get the pun?) with a woman. Although 70% of hand transplants suffer from rejection and infection, this was not the case of Alba, who has already recuperated a significant level of sensitivity and mobility in her hands.

Another famous case involved two Kenyan boys, whose penises were amputated by local witchdoctors who believed, or purported to believe, that when dried, the members of virgins could be used to cure AIDS.

The two boys, 15 year old Oscar Kituy and 11 year old Phillipe Barasa, were operated on at the Centro de Rehabilitación de Levante by Doctor Cavadas, who learnt about the case on one of his frequent missions to Africa, where his foundation has already helped ten boys in similar circumstances.

A similar mission of mercy involved a Guatemalan boy, Eduardo Josué, who was given a new cranium by Cavadas after eleven years of painful, fruitless operations.

Dr. Pedro C. Cavadas has worked on Reconstructive Microsurgery in Spain since 1994. He developed the perforator flaps known as SS-PTP, M-SAP and BiFeP, among others.

Dr. Cavadas and his colleagues perform 1,400 surgeries per year to offer solutions to patients rejected elsewhere, or people with highly disabling conditions.

He was born November 1965, and completed Medical School in 1989, finishing his specialisation in Plastic Surgery in 1995, when he became Physician Doctor at Valencia University.

Some of his honours include winning the International Ibero-Latino-American Federation prize for Residents in Plastic Surgery and the Senior Resident prize for Plastic Surgery Residents in Microsurgery of the ASPS in the USA. He has published more than 57 international articles and coordinates meetings and courses about Hand Surgery & Microsurgery every year.

Patients worldwide can apply for his free services at:

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