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On days when there is no choice but to be at home and it is difficult to go to a doctor’s appointment, we can follow advice that will help us with our oral health. And we can make a video call to our dentist, a formula that some Valencian clinics have already implemented.
Some Valencian dentists have made available to their patients an emergency telephone number where video consultations can also be made. This avoids the risks inherent in leaving home. The video consultation is a mechanism that allows dentists to evaluate the urgency of each case with more precision than a simple phone call. Any mobile device in which a face time or a video call by whatsapp can be made is sufficient for this type of consultation, and with a flashlight and another person who focuses on the oral cavity the dentist can form a clearer idea of the patient’s problem and thus give him/her the best solution.

It must be kept in mind that certain ailments require the administration of antibiotics that can only be prescribed by a professional.
In any case, in situations like the one we are dealing with, it is very important to maintain dental hygiene routines. We must therefore insist that it is essential to continue brushing your teeth 3 times a day for 2 minutes, as correct hygiene prevents the appearance of gum inflammation and cavities. And, as always, it is advisable to use an antiseptic mouthwash, as the oral cavity is an area through which numerous germs enter our body.
In case of gingival inflammation, the application of chlorhexidine is recommended, either in a mouthwash or in a gel. Although its use can produce some stains, they will be easily eliminated with dental cleaning as soon as normality returns. An alternative to Chlorhexidine would be rinses with diluted hydrogen peroxide.
Gels or mouthwashes with hyaluronic acid can be used against canker sores, which help healing and create a thin film on the lesion that provides relief from food rubbing.
For more information, Dr. Carla Fons (Doctor of Dentistry, Specialist in Periodontics and Associate Professor at the University of Valencia), Tlf. 680847771 , e-mail:
Heba Dental Clinic

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