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Cold Open Air and Hot Closed in Places for Cleop - Valencia International


Cold Open Air and Hot Closed in Places for Cleop

The Valencian construction company CLEOP has won two new international contracts in places as far apart as can be imagined.Like many Valencian companies affected by the worldwide economic crisis, Cleop has focused on overseas projects, and its income currently consists of 93.5% from international works.


The Spanish base in Antarctica is one such project, situated on the Hurd Peninsular of Livingstone Island, part of the South Shetland Islands. The base is being rehabilitated by Cleop, while in warmer climes Cleop is building a prison for the Algerian government (well, for criminals not for the government) at Djanet, where 300 inmates will soon be able to judge the quality of Valencian building techniques.

It isn’t all deprivation of liberty however, as Cleop is also involved in the development of hotel complexes in Algeria.



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