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Cleaning Up in Fallas - Valencia International


Cleaning Up in Fallas

There is surely nothing worse than waking up in March with a dirty Fallera dress in your wardrobe. It’s happened to me more times than I care to remember and it’s really annoying.

Fortunately, this year, I have discovered Mifallera, an on-line Fallera dress cleaning service that comes to my house, takes my dress away and brings it back clean; and all I have to do is go into the closet and come out of it.


The Rocasolana family has been cleaning those complex Fallera dresses since 1980, a job most would find extremely irritating and frustrating, but, like cleaning your teeth with floss, it has to be done.

Now they are the first company to offer a complete on-line service in Spain; and probably the world let’s face it.

Three generations of the family still work at the company, making sure that no Fallera need suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous criticism unnecessarily. Unless they really want to.


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