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Cleaning Up After Clooney's Coffee - Valencia International


Cleaning Up After Clooney’s Coffee

Damn that George Clooney and his smooth-talking, sexy advertisements in favor of Nespresso! So effective has he been that everyone is drinking the stuff now.

Fortunately a Valencian firm is facing up to the task of cleaning up of all those little capsules that need to be taken care of as a consequence.

Reciclean was founded as part of the Socialnest accelerator, and is currently led by Pablo García Peña.


In collaboration with the brands Nespresso and Dolce Gusto, Reciclean are providing an alternative to ecological consumers who are unsure exactly in which container they should throw their millions of capsules..

Starting off with eight containers in locations such as the Parc Científic and Aldaia market, the company is talking to Valencia Town Hall about establishing 20 containers in the city, previous to being taken to the company’s site at Aldaia before their eventual transfer to Barcelona, where they can be recycled.

Currently 73% of the capsules go straight into the bins, where they do no good, only harm. Reciclean however believes that the whole coffee drinking culture, so dear to Spain, is an opportunity rather than a threat, and they plan to collect capsules and used coffee from bars and restaurants, in order to recycle the coffee as fertilizer.

Inevitably the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) is collaborating in this task.

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