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Caxton College: An example of multicultural coexistence in the classroom - Valencia International


Caxton College: An example of multicultural coexistence in the classroom

This British school in Puçol teaches the British curriculum as well as offering a solid grounding in Spanish Language, Literature, Geography and History to students from over thirty-two nationalities


The best grade world-wide in A-Level Spanish Literature was obtained by a student from this British school, as certified by the University of Cambridge International Examinations Board barely a year and a half ago. How is it possible that a school with these characteristics, where English language immersion is total, could obtain such an extraordinary grade in a Spanish subject? The answer comes from Amparo Gil, Principal of this educational centre, which was established over thirty years ago in Valencia.

“Very often, parents who are seeking a suitable school for their children are not fully aware that, within the British educational system, there is great importance placed on the study of the culture of the country in which the school is located.  In the case of Caxton College, we are very pleased to have a Spanish academic programme which ensures that the student acquires language skills, both in Primary and Secondary, comparable to those of any student from the Spanish system,” she says.

In a school where more than thirty nationalities coexist, integration in the classrooms works thanks to a curriculum that helps to create a seamless educational community. “One School, one Community, is the coexistence programme that we put into practice each year to enable newly-arrived students and their parents to quickly feel a part of the Caxton family.  In addition, from an early age, students work on projects that value cultural diversity in all its manifestations, with an emphasis on qualities ​​such as respect and empathy,” says Ms. Gil.Another feature, which showcases the importance given to Spanish subjects in this British school even more clearly, can be seen in the annual programme of talks and workshops designed to bring students into contact with prestigious specialists in Spanish culture, from poets and novelists, to editors, philosophers, artists or historians, among many others. “Based on termly educational campaigns related to literature, moral values ​​and art, we invite experts in these subjects to share their talent and passion for Spanish culture with our students.  The writer Santiago Posteguillo, the poet Jaime Siles, the philosopher Jesús Conill or the artist Paco Roca are just some of the illustrious names that have visited us in the last year,” says Amparo Gil.80% of the students from this school go on to study their degree course in a Spanish University.  And in addition, many of them win academic awards, Special Mentions or reach the top positions in their cohorts. “Due to the rigour and dexterity with which our Spanish departments work, our students have absolutely no problem adjusting to Spanish faculties.  Thus, the myth that students from British centres have to pursue their studies in English-speaking countries is broken. And this is because, from a very young age, we teach them to be passionate about our own heritage in an international context enriched by the Anglo-Saxon culture,” confirms Ms Gil.The curricular collaboration between the Spanish and British subjects that exists in this school, unique in Valencia for achieving the BSO international educational quality seal with an “Outstanding” result, allows the students to obtain a thorough knowledge of both the English and Spanish languages, and gives them an open mind with which to confidently approach today’s increasingly globalised society.

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