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Cooperation Archives - Page 4 of 8 - Valencia International


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Valencia Steps Up

Valencia Steps Up

It may not be the dawning of the age of Aquarius, but while Roman civilisation, home of Christianity among other things, stared down at its feet, Valencia stepped forward, and…

Ribalta School in Ghana

Ribalta School in Ghana

My name is Sara Rio Ortiz and I’m just 20 years old. Can you believe that I returned from Ghana three months ago? Now, I’m going to tell you why.…

Valencian Wetlands Welcome Promiscuous Warbler

Valencian Wetlands Welcome Promiscuous Warbler

The aquatic warbler has multiple offspring with multiple partners and is generally seen as a home-wrecker among ornithologists. Nevertheless, they are swamping Valencia’s extensive network of wetlands in their thousands.…

Fair Trade Day in Valencia

Fair Trade Day in Valencia

Sunday 20th May 2018 was the day in which Valencians could discover all the initiatives that strive to make fair trade and sustainability a reality in our daily lives. It…

Xàbia Students Saving the Children of Sudan

Xàbia Students Saving the Children of Sudan

Students and teachers at IES Number 1 Xàbia organised an event in favour of Save The Children in Sudan on 28th March 2018. The main event was a run to…

Valencian Cooperation in India

Valencian Cooperation in India

Through the Fundación Vicente Ferrer Valencian generosity has been put  to good use in one of India’s poorest places, Anantapur. In collaboration with the Confederació de Cooperatives de la Comunitat…

Project Lazarus

Project Lazarus

By José Molina Marco Presidente de The Valencian association PROYECTO VOLVER A CAMINAR will start a clinical trial with spinal cord injured patients so that they can walk again. Based…

Ex-Pats and Spain

Ex-Pats and Spain

By Laurence Lemoine Translated by Nesh  Brzeska Spain in the top 10 most enjoyable countries to live in for expats! According to InterNations, Spain features as one of the top 10…

Yes We Can

Yes We Can

Walking the dog is for wimps; here in Valencia we run the dog and raise money for good causes at the same time! On Sunday 1st October 2017 every good…

Social Nest: Good Ideas, Good Vibrations

Social Nest: Good Ideas, Good Vibrations

From a social problem to a sustainable business In Social Nest we promote sustainable businesses that seek to have a positive social impact. We support people who bring innovative solutions…

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