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Cárnicas Serrano: Eat, Run, Live - Valencia International


Cárnicas Serrano: Eat, Run, Live

‘U Snack!’ is a tasty Valencian product which has been adopted by the British supermarket chain Asda, part of the USA Walmart empire, in order to Mediterraneanise its customers’ taste buds, especially the variation Chorizo Hot.

Cárnicas Serrano is a family-run company that was established in Valencia in 1959 by Blas Serrano and his wife Carmen together with their sons, Blas and Carlos.

Blas Senior, like many Spanish entrepreneurs, looked at first to the USA as an outlet for his ideas, and it was there that he first saw a marathon, and felt the stirrings of a passion for this sport that would lead him run his first marathon at the age of 50.

Perhaps this obsession for fitness had its roots in the company’s origins, selling cured meats door to door by bicycle.


This passion was one that he tried to share with his employees, the result of which was the founding of the Serranos Athletic Club in 1988.


Today, from Paterna near Valencia, the Company continues to produce popular, traditional Spanish products such as Serrano ham, and other cured sausages and cold meats, and the Company maintains its founder’s obsession with healthy living, focusing on the nutritional value of its products and providing extensive information such as varied récipes using its products.

30% of the company’s sales are abroad, especially in Germany, France and other UE countries,

The Company has a Cuban subsidiary, Carnicas Bravo, which mainly supplies the hostelry industry.

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