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Art On The Beach - Valencia International


Art On The Beach

While Valencia’s Sorrolla was inspired by the sea, VINT, the brainchild of Anna Vicent, a Valencian designer trained in, among other places Southampton’s Solent University, has taken its latest inspiration from impressionist art with the reléase of a swimwear series taking the names of artists such as Magritte and Monet, not surprising from a young talent who studied in Valencia’s Fine Arts Faculty.

According to Anna, VINT values craftsmanship and care for small details. For this reason, each of their prints has been hand painted and then passed to materials resistant to water and sun.

Their garments are made with special care, paying attention to the details that enhance the beauty of women.

VINT is synonymous with originality and exclusivity, with its unique and vibrant colours that show the influence of nature and the sea.

The collection consists of a limited number of pieces that have been painted and made by hand in Spain.

VINT is one of the many Young companies being helped by the Lanzadera Project sustained by an anonymous Valencian benefactor called Juan Roig.


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