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APAVAC Reading Club October 2014 - Valencia International


APAVAC Reading Club October 2014

Hiya All!


Legend has it that Vikram Seth on a break while writing his dissertation, did a spot of bookstore crawling, chanced upon Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin, got inspired and gave us ” The Golden Gate “. Just like that!!!
Just like that???  Does a novel in verse happen that easily???  It certainly reads like so.  We almost immediately get caught up in the lives of this group of friends, young-upwardly-mobile-professionals, the yuppies of the 80s.   The story of these self-absorbed, seemingly solvent types in San Francisco, wings you smoothly from sonnet to sonnet.  You get involved as much in their joys as in their anguish.  John’s loneliness which lead to his search for a partner,  Ed’s dilemma, Jan’s determination to make it in the world of art (pssst..Jan’s my favourite!), the priest’s wisdom, Liz, that lovely, brainy, unbending, hotshot lawyer, enigmatic Phil, and of course, the cats, Charlemange, Cuff and Link.   It makes you laugh as easily as it makes you want to cry.  You feel the anger, you feel the frustration, you feel with the characters and you feel for them.
Would one expect a novel in verse, all 590 stanzas of it in iambic tetrameter, to be so captivating?  I think Vikram Seth had his own fleeting moments of doubt too which he voices in an unexpected lull somewhere in the middle of the novel, when he suddenly
cuts to :
An editor at a plush party
(Well-wined, -provisioned, speechy, hearty)
Hosted by (long live!) Thomas Cook
Where my Tibetan travel book
Was honored – seized my arm: “Dear fellow,
What’s your next work?” “A novel…” “Great!
We hope that you, dear Mr Seth – ”
“In verse”, I added. He turned yellow.
“How marvelously quaint,” he said,
And subsequently cut me dead.
He need not have worried.  I’ve read it several times and each time something different tickles my interest.  He does not shy away from the controversial, he treats it with the same gentleness and sensitivity which prevails throughout the novel.  
Go ahead, read it, if you haven’t already…
I promise, you’ll enjoy it!
In a different vein, our next book is a collection of short stories ” The Elephant ” by  Slawomir Mrozek.  We meet on the 21st of November 2014.
Take care and I’ll see you then

Michelle Ann Prabhu

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