An amazing experience
We are Fátima and Carolina, two 15 year old students from IES Francesc Ribalta Castellón de la Plana, and this year we have lived the amazing experience of an exchange with St Peter’s School in Exeter, England.
First, the teachers made couples consisting of one Spanish student and another English and then we spoke with them by mobile phone in order to know more about them.
We were in Exeter for 1 week and we lived with our partner and his-her family too. The objective was to become one “new” member of the family and the British students would be treated in the same way when they came to Spain, in April.
Furthermore, you don’t learn only more English, you also make friends from other cultures and you see other ways to think and act you had never seen.
This exchange has been the first experience for everybody; we had never before spent a week abroad with a host family, and we have improved our English in many aspects such as the vocabulary, getting used to different accents and making ourselves understood faster and faster.
We think that an exchange is an experience you should live once in your life at least because you become more independent, with more self-confidence and more open-minded.
We are also really thankful to the English department for the effort that they have made to plan this activity. In our opinion it is an amazing experience.
Another interesting activity that we have been offered in our school is to write stories (in English, Valencià, Spanish and French) that have been published in various books. You can buy the books or read them online in (in the library section).
Also, we can participate every year in an activity where we prepare a presentation about a free topic and explain it in front of two teachers. From our point of view, it is a fantastic opportunity in order not to be shy when we speak in public.
Some former students have also come to our high school to explain us their personal experiences about the degrees which they are studying and their experiences abroad.
Finally, we would thank to the English department for their contacts with some some NGOs like Intermon, Doctors without Frontiers… who have also come to some classes to show us their work and how to become a volunteer. They encourage us to be better citiziens.

We wanted to write this article to share the above mentioned activities with other Valencian high schools.
Carolina Vidal Escrig & Fátima Andreu Vilarroig
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