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A Giant ShowLeap for the Deaf - Valencia International


A Giant ShowLeap for the Deaf

We’ve all seen people using sign language in the streets and wondered what they were talking about.

Now, thanks to ShowLeap, a Valencian initiative, it might be possible to find out.

It is calculated that in Spain alone there are a million people with hearing problems, 65,000 of which have serious hearing problems and rely on sign language and lip reading.

ShowLeap is a Valencian initiative created by Jordi Belda, Carmen Quiles, Teo Atienza, Susana Parcheta and Rubén Martínez, whose Project is closely connected with Valencia’s Polytechnic University.


The technology they have worked on, known as Leap Motion, enables a computer to recognise sign language and translate it into spoken Spanish in real time using a voice synthesizer.

The algorithm employed also allows the reverse process, translating spoken Spanish into sign language

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