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Caxton College is "Excellent" - Valencia International


Caxton College is “Excellent”

Caxton College secures its position once more at the forefront of teaching and learning according to the British Ministry of Education

The British government accredited educational inspectorate, Independent Schools Inspectorate, ISI, has awarded this Valencian school the highest rating in all the areas evaluated.

At these times when schools are suffering the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic, it is more than encouraging to receive news of such academic value as that which comes to us from Caxton College.

It should be noted that this popular independent British school was first awarded  “Excellent” in a BSO (British School Overseas) inspection in 2017. This certification, which must be renewed every three years, is the gold standard for British international schools worldwide. In fact, there are very few schools in Spain that can boast this accreditation with a rating of Excellent in all areas.

“This result of Excellent has been one of the motors behind us driving and implementing, in record time, the distance learning programme which, after some initial weeks of readjustments, we are now extremely satisfied with. This can only be achieved with an excellent team of people who have worked morning, noon, night as well as during the holidays with the sole intention of continuity of excellence in education coupled with a desire not to disappoint our families”, confirms Amparo Gil, Principal of Caxton College.

Last February, during four days of extensive scrutiny, a body of teaching experts, accredited by the UK Ministry of Education, carried out an audit to assess academic quality, social, cultural and ethical development, as well as the well-being and safety of Caxton College students. They examined the policies and procedures of the management team, teachers and non-teaching professionals. They also inspected the school facilities and the communication which the school maintains with parents and students. A month later, and after analyzing the data obtained, the British organisation sent their final report to Caxton College acknowledging that its level of excellence is observed in all the areas inspected.

“For an entire week, the inspectors scrutinised every inch of the school, they requested documentation, sent parent surveys, and spoke at random with students, teachers, and non-teaching staff. The aim is to get a true picture of the school so as to measure the quality of provision and its compatibility with independent schools in England”, says Marta Gil, Vice Principal of Caxton College.

Basically, in summary, the inspection report emphasises that the excellence of this Puçol school lies, above all, in the quality of the learning and academic achievement of its students as well as in their personal development linked to human values.

“The enthusiasm of our entire educational community is immense. An inspection of these characteristics is very stressful, so having obtained this result encourages us to continue developing our vocation with the utmost excellence and honesty”, confirms Amparo Gil, Principal of Caxton College.

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