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Responding to Corona Virus - Valencia International


Responding to Corona Virus

Good afternoon,

In the face of the health crisis caused by Covid19, from we have contacted the more than 50 NGOs and
charitable associations throughout Spain that collaborate with us in
the DONATIONS project, so that they inform us of the present and
future needs that it will generate this situation.

They have conveyed their concern about what will come after the period
of isolation, at which point they believe that the situation of people
at risk of social exclusion will dramatically worsen. That is why they
are going to need help more than ever: Food, clothes, toys and all
kinds of belongings.

Therefore, now that all the citizens are at home, it is a good time to
order the cabinets and the storage room and donate everything that we
have stored, that we are not going to need any more or simply that we
can do without it and we want to donate it. To make this donation
process easier, we have enabled the website:

On this website, the possibility of “Request donation” has also been
included, so that all those who need it, can request help and receive
the solidarity of other citizens.

Greetings and thanks for your help
Eva Becerra content editor

Previous article:

Given the large number of children that this Christmas will be left
without a gift, we have created an innovative web application where
children can write their Letter to the Magi by donating those toys
they no longer use.

More than 50 associations from all over the country collaborate with
the project. Toys are one of the fundamental rights of children and
we want to help make them available to everyone. In addition, for each
donation received, the Magi will answer with a personalized letter
thanking the child for his or her good deed.

You can check its operation in the following link:

a greeting
Eva Becerra
Content editor of

Previously in this article………

As you know there are many people who have lost their homes in recent
floods. In we have talked with the charities and
NGOs of Murcia, Valencia, Madrid, Almería, Albacete, Málaga … who
collaborate with us in the Dónalo project and these are the products
they need most right now: blankets, sheets, towels and cleaning
products such as buckets, mops and bleach …

We ask for collaboration to spread the initiative and let your readers
know that if they want to help by donating any of these products you
can do it in a very simple way through the page: Where they can include
the products they want to donate and choose the NGO or charity to
which they want to send their donation.

From we appeal to all logistics companies that
want to collaborate in the donation campaign so that they offer to
take free donations made by individuals to associations. It would also be interesting for the public company Correos to enable the
possibility that any postal delivery made during these days to any
association in the affected provinces is free.

On behalf of all we thank you
Content editor from

Dear Friends,

I am writing to you because I wanted to inform you that the TABLÓN DE
ANUNCIOS of Valencia has been created. In it the citizens of your
locality can see what their neighbours sell, the job offers that are
available or look for a professional when they need one; They can also
publish their own ads for free.

You can see the Notice Board of your province here:

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