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- Valencia International


Aiudo, the Valencian, startup will provide its services for free.
The company that selects carers for the elderly has decided not to charge its services to families that cannot afford them in Madrid, Valencia and Sevilla.

Aiudo, a pioneer in the digitalization of the sector, has decided to put all the means at its disposal to combat the effect that Covid 19 is having on the most vulnerable economies.
The company provides intermediation services and management of caregivers throughout Spain, but has decided not to charge families who can not afford it in Madrid, Valencia and Seville, locations particularly affected by the Coronavirus.
“Having a caregiver at home is a very important expense” says Daniel Ibiza, social worker and CEO of Aiudo. “Many families, despite needing it, cannot afford it and depend entirely on state aid, which in many cases is not enough”.

The Founders

Ibiza has assured that the initiative will have a strong impact on its profit and loss account as these three locations are its main market, but reminds us that as a company with social impact, “it is our responsibility to take the lead and protect our elderly at any price”.
In order to benefit from the initiative, interested parties must request assistance through the company’s website and attach the required documentation.

Also, Aiudo plans to initiate during the next days a round of contacts with the Conselleria de Sanidad y Salud Pública de la Generalitat Valenciana to coordinate mechanisms in the processes of selection of the carers that assure the well-being of the most vulnerable.

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