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Valencia International Goes Back to School - Valencia International


Valencia International Goes Back to School

For the second year running, Valencia International was invited to give a talk to aspiring teachers at Valencia’s public Magisteri teacher training school.

On February 10th at the unholy hour of 8.30 am, VI Editor Bob Yareham presented our Hollywood & History project to a group of trainee teachers.

The project was launched as a collaboration with the L’Iber Toy Soldier Museum, and consists of a history lesson, a brief survey of some of the most important events and people in our history, using images from historical films made in Spain in English.

Dozens of schools have visited the museum to take part in this activity, which combines history, English and film.

Bob Yareham is the author of Movies Made in Spain, which tells the story of over 700 of those films, from pre-historic times to the Gulf Wars.

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