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The Lost Soul - Valencia International


The Lost Soul

Name and surnames Enrique Arranz Matamoros
Level 6th
Teacher’sname  Paqui Matamoros Becerra
School CEIP8 Abril
Town  San Antonio de Benageber (Valencia)
Title of the story The lost Soul





It was seven minutes after midnight. I was in my room when, suddenly, I heard a noise in the boiler room.

Scared, I went down the stairs. I approached the door and I heard a voice saying: “come with me, I feel very alone.”

On another occasion, I would rather not do it, but something told me to open that door…Then, I entered slowly. I came into the room, and I saw something very strange: a white light that disappeared leaving a trail of bright dust. And then, guess what was happening: there was a spirit in the House.


I ran, with my heart pounding, I went to my brother’s room and I knocked on the door. As I didn’t have any response, I entered and I saw my brother in bed. I yelled, but he did not move, I took his pulse, his heart was beating, but he was cold… As I left his room crying; I saw the same dust that I saw in the boiler room.

I was freaked out. I ran to my parent’s room, I went on screaming into the room and I found the same scene from my brother’s room: they were cold, but with pulse.


And so filled with anger, I shouted: WHY?!


At that same moment, I considered the theory of the spirit, because a hoarse whispery voice replied:

-Because you’re the man who will return me my life, the life that removed my lack of health and power.


When he finished his sentence, enraged, the spirit lifted a whirlwind of fire around me.


– Who are you? or, better said, what are you?

-There was a time when I was your great-grandfather’s best friend. Yes, he was the best Modern Wizard, until I killed him.


Crying, I asked the soul:

– Why did you do it, monster? Why?


– Why did I do it, is that what you want to know?


When he said that, I felt a great pressure in the neck.


-I guess I killed him because he was a hindrance to my power.


– Okay, what do you want?


– I want you to return me to life and, in exchange, I’ll return your family’s life.


– HOW COULD I DO THAT?!!!I don’t know how to return your life!


– Don’t lie to me! You have the power, guess how to use it and you’ll get what you want.


When he said that, I escaped from the mental cage that the spirit had locked me in, and I threw him a fire tongue that burnt his little vital essence remaining. I didn’t know I had those skills. Everything was so fast. Suddenly I was alone, thinking about what had happened that night.



Last thing I felt was my hands on fire, and then I woke up in my bed. Strange, I got up and

I went looking for my family. I found them preparing breakfast and making me hurry to go to school…















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