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November 2020 - Valencia International


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Vega Scorza, intensely Lemony Vega Baja

Vega Scorza, intensely Lemony Vega Baja

Vega Scorza is an amazing lemon and leaf extract appetizer that will immerse you in a whole world of emotions, inspiration, and sensations through the scents, textures, and colours of…

Caxton College, an educational ethos valuing emotions

Caxton College, an educational ethos valuing emotions

This British school promotes emotional wellbeing among its pupils to minimise the social impact of Covid-19. One of the principal tasks at the school in Puçol is identifying the needs…

Mel de Romer

Mel de Romer

We visited Canals more or less by accident. We went to a funeral at neighbouring Alcudia de Crespins, and not finding anything interesting restaurant-wise, drove under the railway tunnel that…

Come Fly with BertoMEu

Come Fly with BertoMEu

In November 2010 Air Nostrum received distinctions for two of its models in the Airline Reliability Awards. The company currently operates a scheduled network of 123 domestic and international routes,…

Tesla in Valencia

Tesla in Valencia

By Charles Delaville Good morning, I am excited to let you know that our Service Centre of Valencia is now open to the public. In July, we announced that we…