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May 2018 - Valencia International


Home » 2018 » May

Al Salah in Valencia

Al Salah in Valencia

When Al Salah, the Egyptian star of Liverpool FC was injured during the Champions’ League final in May 2018, the first thing he did was to catch a plane to…

Obrapropia: Saying ‘Yes’ to Writers

Obrapropia: Saying ‘Yes’ to Writers

In the past, publishing companies always had a hundred ways of saying ‘no’, and were inevitably staffed by failed or frustrated writers paid to have an opinion whether it was…

Healthier with HealthEar

Healthier with HealthEar

Health Ear is a Valencian project from a team formed by Daniel Iordanov, Andima Beitia, Javier Silva and Roque Belda, students of the Universitat Politècnica de València. “Its purpose was…

Porsaval: Enhancing Your Table

Porsaval: Enhancing Your Table

Leading Valencian crockery manufacturer Porvasal exported almost 700,000 pieces to the American continent in 2017, worth 1.6 million euros, 45% of its total sales. From its HQ in Chiva, where…

Fair Trade Day in Valencia

Fair Trade Day in Valencia

Sunday 20th May 2018 was the day in which Valencians could discover all the initiatives that strive to make fair trade and sustainability a reality in our daily lives. It…

The success of the 3D school training in Valencia

The success of the 3D school training in Valencia

Press Release: The entertainment multinational Bandai-Namco and the animation school PrimerFrame, have signed an unprecedented collaboration agreement by which in Spain animated short films of their best-known characters will be…

Art On The Beach

Art On The Beach

While Valencia’s Sorrolla was inspired by the sea, VINT, the brainchild of Anna Vicent, a Valencian designer trained in, among other places Southampton’s Solent University, has taken its latest inspiration…

Valencian e-sports in Rio

Valencian e-sports in Rio

22 million Spaniards play e-sports apparently, sweating on their sofas through marathons of intense fingerwork. Many of them will make use of the Valencian company Encom Games, which recently signed…

Natsu Valencia (the other) Land of the Rising Sun

Natsu Valencia (the other) Land of the Rising Sun

In Spain, Valencia is known as the land of the rising sun, situated as it is on the east coast, the first place to see the sun rise. Unfortunately, Japan…

Expats love Valencia

Expats love Valencia

By Laurence Lemoine In recent years many have chosen to live in Valencia, under the Spanish sun. Valencia has witnessed a massive surge of expats: French, Italian, British and…

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