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January 2017 - Valencia International


Home » 2017 » January

A Valencian with a Big Bang Theory

A Valencian with a Big Bang Theory

  Josep María Trigo is a man with a message that you may not want to hear; that at any moment our planet could disappear with a big bang. Not…

Adventure Therapy in Lliria

Adventure Therapy in Lliria

The First Gathering for Adventure Therapy took place in Llíria (Valencia) The First GATE (Gathering for Adventure Therapy Europe) was held from 1 to 4 February 2017 in Llíria. (Valencia).…

Valencia International Goes Back to School

Valencia International Goes Back to School

For the second year running, Valencia International was invited to give a talk to aspiring teachers at Valencia’s public Magisteri teacher training school. On February 10th at the unholy hour…

Learning about Spanish Culture

Learning about Spanish Culture

LEAN IN organised a fun event on Tuesday 24th at Wayco Coworking in Calle Gobernador Viejo 29. This was an informal meet up with a short presentation on the subject…

La Pizarra Opositores

La Pizarra Opositores

Article submitted by Unimel ‘La Pizarra Opositores’ is a benchmark in the Public Teacher Certification sector creating the best teaching workforce. The first network of Academies in the Valencian Community…

Cinema Tourism Comes to Cuenca

Cinema Tourism Comes to Cuenca

Cinema Tourism (Set-Jetting) is a reality, and you only have to do the Math to realise that. Following the release of Out of Africa, the number of visitors to Kenya…

Pelamatic: an Appealing Solution

Pelamatic: an Appealing Solution

Not all technology is rocket science, and not every good idea has to be an app. As someone simple said to someone else, who might have been George W Bush,…

The Whey to Make Plastic from Cheese

The Whey to Make Plastic from Cheese

Every time a dairy farmer makes a ton of cheese the cows begin to bellow, and probably they are complaining about waste, because each ton also generates nine tons of…