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March 2015 - Valencia International


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APAVAC Bookclub March 2015

APAVAC Bookclub March 2015

Hiya All! “The state of being apart”, “apart-hood” or what we know better by its more familiar Afrikaans name – Apartheid! Given the horror, revulsion and the unfairness that the…

All the Way from Villajoyosa

All the Way from Villajoyosa

Students from the IES Malladeta school in Villajoyosa became the first visitors from the province of Alicante to try out Hollywood and History. Accompanied by their teachers Yolanda and Esperanza…

Running on the Streets of Valencia

Running on the Streets of Valencia

Valencia’s Marathon has for years been attracting an increasing and more international number of runners, and its younger sister, the Divina Pastora street race is now notching up similarly favourable…

No They Camn’t: with Look&Lock

No They Camn’t: with Look&Lock

Some people seem to be prepared to sell their dignity in order to appear on TV; others pay good money to ensure that they don’t. The clients of WSS (Webcam…

Iberproex; Cementing Valencian Internationalisation

Iberproex; Cementing Valencian Internationalisation

The Valencian engineering company Iberproex Engineering & Project Management has won another international tender in the face of opposition from 20 rival companies, and will soon be collaborating on the…

New Ayres at The Astoria

New Ayres at The Astoria

The Astoria Hotel is nothing less than an icon in Valencia, but as all icons run the risk of becoming outdated, it became the responsibility of director Joan Soldevila to…

The Art of Guerra

The Art of Guerra

After the hustle and bustle of New York, Miguel Guerra seeks peace, quiet and superheroes in Valencia.   Miguel Guerra’s children go to the same school that his aunt went…

Otos: the Village where Time (almost) Stands Still

Otos: the Village where Time (almost) Stands Still

Hidden away in the deep, dark, rocky recesses of the Vall de Albaida, to the far far west of Valencia, is a village where time stands still. Or at least…

Javier Alvarez Finds the Route

Javier Alvarez Finds the Route

Javier Alvarez is a Valencian biologist and journalist who has travelled the world working on a multitude of projects. ‘The Route’ is one such project, a documentary which relates the…

Home is Where the Heart is: Quimi Romar

Home is Where the Heart is: Quimi Romar

William Morris once said: “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful,” and the Valencian company Quimi Romar would appear…

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