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EMV Levante and 2,000 Years on the Valencia Underground - Valencia International


EMV Levante and 2,000 Years on the Valencia Underground

This activity recently attracted the interest of Valencia’s main newspaper EMV Levante:

The Irish rock group U2 wrote a famous song ‘Where the Streets Have no Name’. In Valencia, not only do the streets have a name, but so too do schools, and even underground stations. These names are part of the history of Valencia and we often use them without thinking about who these people were and what they did.


Valencia International is launching an educational activity in the academic year 2014/5 entitled: ‘2,000 Years on the Valencia Underground’.

The project is a CLIL activity involving English, History and some Geography, and attempts to review the history of Valencia over the last 2,000 years using a map of the Valencia Underground.

Any school that is interested can contact:

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