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Valencian Christmas Solidarity - Valencia International


Valencian Christmas Solidarity

A Valencian company has donated the cost of this year’s Christmas dinner to the Banco de Alimentos.

In view of the current pandemic, Inmobiliaria Valenciana PRIMER GRUPO Gran Vía has carried out a solidarity initiative, donating to the Banco de Alimentos the full amount of the cost of the traditional Christmas dinner, so common at this time of year.

This is an idea with which they intend to contribute to the aid that, at this time of year, is needed by people whose health and economic crises are putting them through a difficult time.

Christmas is approaching and with it the typical business dinners where all the colleagues meet to celebrate the Christmas holidays. However, this year many of these dinners will not be able to take place due to the current pandemic situation, the restrictions and limitations of capacity.

This should not be a reason to lose the Christmas spirit, but this is how a real estate agency in Valencia became socially aware of this situation and decided to allocate the money from the Christmas dinner to a social cause. This is how Javier Martínez, director of the real estate agency, tells it: “We were counting on not being able to hold Christmas dinner this year, so the team decided to do something special and allocate the money to the people who need it most”.

To do this, they made a purchase of 1,000 euros at Carrefour, paying special attention to those non-perishable foods that are most scarce in the food bank.

Thanks to the good and continuous relationship that Carrefour has with the Food Bank and thanks to the implementation of the donation by tickets, they were able to manage everything so that the donation could be made immediately. The operation has been the same as in the last Food Bank campaign, where customers decided how much they wanted to help with the same line of boxes. The Food Bank of Valencia is enthusiastic about the idea, they think it is a great initiative and they hope that other companies will follow the example of this Valencian company, which has managed to turn around an uncommon Christmas and be able to show solidarity with those who need it most.

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