
Quality Innovation Award for Skroller

The Quality Innovation Award is an annual, international competition that enables innovators to get professional assessment for their innovation, benchmark their innovation against others and increase the visibility of their innovation

It has been organised in Finland since 2007.

In 2020, the Prize Winner of Business innovations (Micro & startup companies) was the Valencian startup Skroller.

The idea began in Valencia in October 2018, when Sergey Kazakov, a financial analyst, David Martí a design and product development engineer and Santiago Mompó an industrial engineer, got together to discuss the trend in electrical scooters.

Their innovation was to create a simple backrest for riders.

Leaning back on Skroller enables you to steer with your centre of balance providing a full sensation of comfort, stability and control over the motion.

Skroller connects your body to the pole of the scooter, activating it as an integral part of the centre of balance, enabling you to shift your weight to the sides while turning, which makes the ride smoother and safer.

Skroller’s parts (cover, cushion, band, lock and logo details) can be customized as you wish.

Hopefully riders will be more comfortable, but not so much that they fall asleep at the handle bars.

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