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Xaume Olleros’s ‘Time’ has Come

Xaume Olleros’s ‘Time’ has Come

Although born in Madrid, where he spent the first two years of his life, Xaume spent the rest of his youth in Valencia and is now based in Hong Kong,…

Bocopa’s Sparkling Wines

Bocopa’s Sparkling Wines

Although they don’t use the term Cava, Bocopa produce a series of sparkling wines at their vineyards near Elda in the province of Alicante. They have been making quality wines…

APAVAC Reading Club October 2014

APAVAC Reading Club October 2014

Hiya All!   Legend has it that Vikram Seth on a break while writing his dissertation, did a spot of bookstore crawling, chanced upon Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin, got inspired and gave us ”…

Great Valencian Ghosts

Great Valencian Ghosts

Today it is haunted by civil servants who wander the corridors carrying mysterious pieces of paper with blank looks on their faces, seemingly wandering aimlessly, as if searching for some…

Valencia International Returns to IES Pere Boil

Valencia International Returns to IES Pere Boil

On Wednesday 24th September 2014 Valencia International returned to IES Pere Boil in Manises to recruit journalists for Valencia International in a visit kindly sponsored by the Santillana Richmond publishing…

Bahía de Denia Brut

Bahía de Denia Brut

The delightful little fishing village was named after the Goddess Diana and is now a place where people with boat like to sip champagne as they watch the sun go…

Doctor Lluch. Years of Cholera in Valencia

Doctor Lluch. Years of Cholera in Valencia

Doctor Lluch was lucky, in the sense that, unlike his colleagues Doctors Alzheimer and Parkinson, his descendants didn’t have to live with the ignominy of his surname. Fortunately for him…

A Valencian Couple in Zurich

A Valencian Couple in Zurich

Valencia International throws caution to the wind to bring news about some Valencians, Borja Lopez and Maria Ferrando, who have gone to Zurich, Switzerland, not to hide millions of Euros,…

Rising Stars: Plumeti Rain

Rising Stars: Plumeti Rain

While northern Europe looks through its wet windows dreaming of a few seconds of sun, Laura Peña sits at her computer wishing it would rain. Laura and her partner Pablo…

AIDA: More & Books

AIDA: More & Books

A Little second hand bookshop behind leafy Viveros Park describes itself as Books&More, which is quite an understatement because AIDA, a Spanish NGO with premises in Valencia, Segovia and Madrid,…