THE DRAGONS OF VALENCIA: WHICH DRAGON IS SPEAKING? If you think I am sleeping you are wrong; I just closed my eyes for a moment because supporting this curving…
By Stella López Ruiz 3º ESO IES Federica Montseny. Burjassot. Teacher: Montserrat Casas It was seven minutes after midnight. Leila was reading one of her favourite books, a horror story.…
A role play from César López and Miguel Fuentes (4 ESO ) IES Malilla…
MY MIDNIGHT SUN By ALTEA GUEVARA ALONSO 2nd batxillerat Teacher’s name VICTORIA ANDRÉS LUENGO I.E.S EL CABANYAL It was seven minutes after midnight and the Sun was shining. It…
By Ana Satorre Sánchez SECCIÓ IES PARE ARQUES, Benilloba. Teacher: Estela Martinez Bolinches It was seven past twelve and the party had finished. Oliver and I went to the…
Name and surnames Hugo Méndez Lahoz Level 6th Teacher’sname Paqui Matamoros Becerra School CEIP8 Abril Town San Antonio de Benageber (Valencia) …
Name and surnames Yaiza Aguilar Quero Level 6th Teacher’sname Paqui Matamoros Becerra School CEIP8 Abril Town San Antonio de Benageber (Valencia) Title of the story The real story of Cinderella…
The sound by Sandra Gutiérrez Varo 3º ESO Teacher’s name Amparo Aznar Ruiz IES Vila-Roja Almassora (Castellón) It was seven minutes after midnight… when it sounded. Once again, like every…
Light by Meritxell Micó Frau Level 2nd Batxillerat Teacher’s name Amparo Aznar Ruiz IES Vila-roja Almassora (Castelló) It was seven minutes after midnight… when Nia Sharman saw the flickering of…
Name and surnames Enrique Arranz Matamoros Level 6th Teacher’sname Paqui Matamoros Becerra School CEIP8 Abril Town San Antonio de Benageber (Valencia) Title of the story The lost Soul STORY …
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