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Wonderful World, Extraordinary Valencia - Valencia International


Wonderful World, Extraordinary Valencia

Have you ever wondered where Europe’s only salt and pepper cellar museum is? Of course you have. We all have.

Do you lose sleep at night asking yourself: “who was it that wrote Spain’s first National Anthem?” Join the club.

And when they ask you (and they always do) at a party, which municipality has the densest population in Spain, in the non-cerebal sense, and you can’t for the life of you…….then probably you haven’t yet read Marta Landete’s ¿Cuanto Más Sabes de la Comunidad Valenciana? the unrepeatable follow up to ¿Cuanto Sabes de la Comunidad Valenciana? in which the author lets you in on Valencia’s best kept secrets and gives you a surprising amount of information with which to astound and amaze people who can only tell you how many goals Messi scored in 2014 or the fastest route from Sagunto to Piccasent.

The book is a gold mine, and unlike gold mines, it is well researched.

The book is published by one of Valencia’s most dynamic publishers, Sargantana.

By the way, the answers are Guadalest, José Melchor y Colomer from Onteniente, and Emperador, in that order.

If you want to know more, buy the book! It’s not as if you have much else to do these days!

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