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Without Pity: A Valencian Vision of the Crisis - Valencia International


Without Pity: A Valencian Vision of the Crisis

The Valencian journalist, cinema festival organiser and great Communicator Bernardo Carrión has published a novel called Sinpiedad: ‘Without Pity’ published by Almuzara.

The book is highly contemporary, being set in the economic crisis provoked to a considerable degree by the crash of Lehman Brothers.

The book explores the themes of corruption and the revenge of impoversihed citizens fed up with the pillage carried out by politicians and bankers.

The novel is set in Valencia, where a group of the aforesaid pillagers try to take advantage of public projects, while in parallel, in a small Galician village a hermit undertakes a spiritual retreat with unexpected results.

The book covers all the usual suspects of the financial and social crisis, with evictions, banking duplicity and individual hardship, while exploring the use of the new social media and technology as a weapon of self-defence and vengeance.

Bernardo has delved into his own profesional experience to créate some of the characters and situations of the novel. In 1997 he started working as a journalist for Radio 9 in Alicante and had to interview many politicians and was shocked by their arrogance and pomposity.

Carrión, who was born in Valencia in 1969, is one of the founders of Valencia’s Film Noir film festival ‘VLC Negre.’

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