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Vermouth: Deep Valencian Relaxation - Valencia International


Vermouth: Deep Valencian Relaxation

One of the great pleasures in Valencia, and one we have temporarily lost as a result of the Corona Confinement, is to have a glass of vermouth or two before deciding which restaurant to have lunch in.

And from today, thanks to one of Valencia’s most historic and international vineyards, we have another option; Orange Vermouth, made with orange peel and muscatel grapes; a truly Valencian drink.

The Valencian vineyard so closely associated with vermouth is Vittore. Not a very Valencian-sounding name you might think; and you’d be right.

In 1831, in Switzerland, Vittore Valsangiacomo founded a vineyard under his name in Chiasso in the Swiss canton of Ticino next to the Italian border, the first family winery.

At the end of the 19th century, his son Cherubino Valsangiacomo decided to open a wine export company in Valencia and Alicante, since he was attracted by the logistic position of Valencia and Alicante ports and the excellent grapes of this land. Like his father, Cherubino gave his name to the wineries. In 1890 the business became so important that Cherubino Valsagiacomo opened winery facilities in Chiva, Requena, Utiel, Monóvar, Yecla and in El Grao de Valencia, which became the company headquarters until 1997.

That year, Cherubino made a commitment to the future and quality and moved his HQ to Chiva, whose facilities provided the appropriate means for the treatment and storage of bulk wines and grape juice. In 2002 the wineries were extended and modernized, and a new plant and bottling line were created. These introduced the best conditions and the most modern techniques for quality control with a cellar whose storage capacity is for 2,000 barrels.

In 2008 the company started with the bobal de SanJuan project for 100% bobal wines. Together with the 10 hectares of a singular and centennial vineyard.

But the vineyard is most famous for its vermouths. Red, white or Reserve, there is now a new sibling in the family, as well as the misnamed ‘Agua de Valencia’ a fearsome cocktail, whose sweet nature has seduced many an unsuspecting tourist.

Today, a fifth generation of the Valsangiacomo family is in charge of the winery.

Vittore’s Orange Vermouth is available on-line

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