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Valencian Technology Speeds Recovery - Valencia International


Valencian Technology Speeds Recovery

Athletes are back on the track thanks to Lafitt

The Valencian hi-tech company Lafitt, in collaboration with the American company Cascade Medical and the New York Hospital for Special Surgery, have launched a revolutionary new product called Fibrinet, which is already helping patients in their recovery from injuries in record time.


The cures are especially welcome among all kinds of athletes, who are able to return to full activity after serious injuries to ligaments and the meniscus.

The methodology involved makes use of the patient’s own blood, which undergoes a laboratory process whereby certain elements and properties useful for healing are isolated, specifically platelets and fibrin, highly useful for accelerated bone and soft tissue repair.

Although useful for a wide variety of operations, the process is proving especially effective for eye and ulcer surgery.

Lafitt is a company specialized in design, development production, marketing and sales of implants and instruments for orthopaedic and trauma surgery.

Their products include implants made from advanced biomaterials such as “Implants and Gene-Activated Matrix”, designed to support the regenerative activity of stem cells.

Since it was set up in 1993, Lafitt has pursued a policy of introducing its own innovating products into the market.

Currently Lafitt exports world wide to more than forty countries competing on five continents.

This philosophy of the company is defined as follows: continuous product innovation and specialization, increased customer satisfaction by the means of total product quality, immediate service at competitive prices and opening and consolidating new markets.

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