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Valencian Companies on Track in Medina - Valencia International


Valencian Companies on Track in Medina

September 2018 saw the opening of the high speed train line connecting Mecca, Jeddah, King Abdulaziz International Airport, King Abdullah Economic City in Rabigh and Medina.

Two Valencian companies participated in the Project to build a high speed train from Medina to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

Torrescamara and Rover Alcisa won a contract to build the workshops that will provide support and maintenance for the trains.

The Valencian companies collaborated with the Spanish railway company RENFE, which won the tender worth 60,000,000 Euros, and the Saudi construction company ATCO.

The workshops were built at Medina, scene of many of the exploits of the mythical Lawrence of Arabia during the First World War, and covered an area of 50,000 square metres, including 10 kilometres of tracks.


Torrescamera, which was founded in 1986, already operates in Mexico, Peru and Columbia, as does Rover Alcisa, which also works in Poland and Abu Dabi.



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