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The Valencia Marathon 2014 - Valencia International


The Valencia Marathon 2014

On November 16th 2014 Valencia celebrated the thirty-fourth edition of the Trinidad Alonso Marathon. The event coincided with another ten kilometre race in which eight thousand runners participated.


This article was written by Adrian Vilaplana Ferrer, a student at IES Pere Böil school in Manises.

Valencia city started the morning full of multinational athletes who were here for the competition.Some of them came to participate for their first time and others came just to improve their records.

Thirteen Athletes ran the forty-one to one hundred and ninety-five kilometres of the race. The male winner was, the Kenyan, Jacob Kendogar with a time of two hours, eight minutes and thirty-nine seconds. The female winner was, the Namibian runner, Beata Naigambo with a timeof two hours, thirty minutes and fifty-five seconds.

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