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Power Electronics Down Mexico Way - Valencia International


Power Electronics Down Mexico Way

The Valencian company Power Electronics, continues its penetration of the Mexican market, where they have worked since 2010,  with the construction of off-shore drilling platforms, gas pipelines and solar energy farms.


Their turnkey projects and the Power on Support 24/7 guarantee for technical assistance have made them winners all over the world when it comes to supplying energy.

Power Electronics has already installed 180 MW en Latin America with 150 more on the way, 1,2MW of which is in Mexico.

The company was founded by Abelardo Salvo, moving the factory and R&D centre in to Paterna’s Technologic Park, and expanding into the markets of Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, Germany, India, Italy, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, United Kingdom, South Africa, with distribution centres in over 20 countries.

In 2010, they created their own solar inverter brand Freesun and then inaugurated a new R&D centre in Madurai (India) and a new production centre in Higueruelas, Valencia.

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