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Polen is in the Air - Valencia International


Polen is in the Air

The launching of the second volume of POLEN took place in FUTURAMA on September 20th.

The fanzine POLEN was successfully launched at FUTURAMA Comics store. The turnout of friends and fans filled the store and evryone spent a pleasant evening visiting and browing around the store.

Comic artist Paco Sales pronounced a few words explaining that this Polen was the second volume of an unusual fanzine, unusual in the sense that not many fanzines unite the creative impulses of all siblings and the partner of one of them.

Afterwards the authors signed copies of Pole.


POLEN is a peculiar zine, the laboratory of five siblings and the partner of one of them: Xèlön, Carlos Maiques, Deih, Devta Singh, Elida Maiques and Jezabel Seijas. It appeals to those who fancy comics, short stories, sci-fi and even DIY inventions, and their proposals are quite different.

In Xèlön’s Green Banquito SWAE Wars DJs fight SWAE paramilitary robots in a funky future where possesion of unauthorised music is a crime.

Promo-Deih-Polen-02-resolucion-web Deih proposes a world, Nebbia, in which a drug allows us to revisit the past through modification of memories, where the characters live veritably on the razor’s edge.

Carlos Maiques proposes a silent, minimal comic, exploring with the reader the possibilities of perceiving a parallelepiped, as a window, a pool, a house, a diamond.

Promo-Elida-Polen-02-resolucion-web Devta Singh instructs us on how to squeeze the last joule of energy from electric batteries. When he turns to writing, he takes us to planet Mouro and its startling geography.

Elida Maiques publishes one-page comics on the magic of a toddler’s world. She also draws stories starred in by protozoos asking those questions we should.


Jezabel Seijas’ two short stories, illustrated by Carlos Maiques, both speak of her curiousity and respect for life and death.

 Web references:

Xèlön –

Deih –

Carlos Maiques –

Devta Singh –

Elida Maiques –

Jezabel Seijas –

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