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New Odontological Frontiers in Valencia - Valencia International


New Odontological Frontiers in Valencia

Since May 2014 Valencia has a new concept of dentistry in the heart of the city;  dentalDoctors.

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dentalDoctors was a winner of ‘Lanzadera’, a programme designed by Mercadona owner Juan Roig to help entrepreneurs with new ideas to get their businesses started.

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Their new hi tech state of the art centre, Centro Odontológico VLC, is a giant step forward for Man and for Valencia’s sweet teeth.

The approach of dentalDoctors involves keeping patients informed, and as such they have a series of publications, both for sector professionals and for patients.

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dentalDoctors is a fully international organisation employing not only Spanish but also Italian and English-speaking staff with a clear idea of offering their advance, cutting edge services to Valencia’s large, professional, international community.

The premises, with 650 square metres is situated in C/ Don Juan de Austria 4 and is designed to promote the concept of Integral Odontology, offering patients a total service based upon three key concepts: empathy with the patient; 360º quality, which equates the importance of the odontological treatment itself with all that which surrounds the aforesaid treatment; and price.

At the same time, although in a different part of the working area, dentalDoctors offers professional services to practising dentists such a training in Marketing and organisational, providing dentists with the training and know-how to benefit from professional dentistry management, thus achieving greater benefits for both patients and dentists themselves.

This training centre has 100 square metres for workshop and conference functions and is currently employing 15 professionals.

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dentalDoctors was founded in 2005 by Dr. Primitivo Roig, a well known polyglot Valencian dentist and dental manager who has practised and trained in the USA, Italy and Switzerland.






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