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Morocco Valencia Monaco; Keep on Running - Valencia International


Morocco Valencia Monaco; Keep on Running

On 20th October 2015 Australian endurance adventurer Luke Tyburski embarked on his ‘Ultimate Triathlon’- a 2000km swim, cycle and run from Morocco to Monaco in 12 days.

Valencia is on his route and Luke plans to pass through the city on 23rd October at about 9 in the morning.

Luke is a highly driven and motivated individual, who follows his mantra “live life everyday.” Luke wanted to create a unique challenge, not only testing himself physically and mentally, but to inspire others around the globe to live their own lives every single day as well.




While pushing his limits each day on this never before attempted adventure, Luke intends to show that no matter who you are, or what life has thrown your way, no challenge is too big to take on, and that we can all achieve what at times may feel like the unachievable.

Suffering from bouts of depression, Luke will also raise awareness of mental health issues. Having struggled privately for many years, Luke now openly shares how he has overcome his own issues and the role of his endurance endeavours in this process. Luke is a first hand illustration of what is capable through goal-setting, surrounding yourself with like-minded people, and believing in yourself.

MDS 2012

MDS 2012

Morocco2Monaco: The Event

Over 12 days Luke will swim across the Gibraltar Straight, which is one of the worlds busiest shipping lanes separating Africa from Europe. On completing the 20km swim, Luke will begin cycling the entire South East Spanish coastline – a total distance of 1300kms, finishing in the Pyrenees mountain range in just over four days.

Finally for seven days, Luke will be running a double marathon every single day along the South of France, until he reaches the picturesque principality of Monaco.

An independent film company, Fizzeek Media will be will be on hand to film Luke every day but his progress can also be followed as his journey will be streamed live on

As Luke achieves the goal he set over three years ago, he will become the first person to complete The Ultimate Triathlon from Morocco to Monaco in just 12 days.

The Route 2000kms in 12 days

That’s the equivalent of:

Swimming 400 laps of a 50m pool

Plus Cycling the length of Britain and then

Running 14 marathons in 12 days

About Luke Tyburski

Born and bred in Australia, Luke’s natural habitat was the outdoors and from an early age as he pursued a professional career in football, which took him around the world. Playing in his homeland, The USA, Belgium, and UK he had success but also enjoyed experiencing different cultures and new surroundings wherever the sport took him.

luke foot

Injuries finally ended Luke’s football career, and consequently triggered a battle with depression but Luke discovered a lifeline in endurance sports. Competing in the Marathon des Sables, a 250 kilometre, six stage self-sufficient foot race through the Sahara desert in 2012, this was not only Luke’s first race of any kind, but the beginning of a new path.

Luke has since spent time in Nepal, living with some of the countries elite trail runners and their families while learning how they train, eat, and survive. He then competed in the Everest Ultra Marathon. Continually wanting to learn new

skills, Luke cycled over 400 kilometres in a day to the UK’s South West coastline, to learn how to surf the following day.

Always looking for new adventures, Luke found himself running for survival through a Chinese forest when he ran out of food and water with a plane to catch. In 2014 Luke became a triathlete by crossing the finishing line of the Double

Brutal Extreme Triathlon after 35 hours in the 465 kilometre race through the hills of Snowdonia National Park.

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