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MOLO Repair: Modern Technology, Traditional Values - Valencia International


MOLO Repair: Modern Technology, Traditional Values

We live in a Kleenex society, where people use and throw away so much stuff that it’s no surprise that the sea contains more plastic than fish these days. An exaggeration perhaps, but it is true to state that our grandparents are rolling in their graves with disgust at our wasteful habits, and no doubt mumbling that what this generation needs is a good, old fashioned war to teach us some values.

Fortunately, not everybody is bowing down to the God of inbuilt obsolescence; the Valencian company MOLO Repair was set up to find a home from those loveable old mobiles who were on the point of entering the dustbin of history.

They describe themselves as a technological hospital, where the forlorn and unwanted victims of the fad of ‘new is good, tradition sucks’ can be looked after until someone more caring offers them a home.

However, in this hospital owners are welcome to watch the operation that, hopefully, and we must live with hope, the once discarded and unloved patients are brought back to life, usually in a mere half an hour.

And if the worst comes to the worst, and they look up at your worried face and offer you a form to fill in, allowing them to disconnect the life support system from your phone, tablet or PC, don’t worry, for looking on there will be a range of orphaned devices in need of a good home and just a little tenderness.

MOLO Repair now has 26 shops all over Spain in Albacete, Alzira, Almería, Ciudad Real, Elche, Gandía, Gijón, Hospitalet, Madrid La Moraleja, Madrid Orense, Madrid Majadahonda, Madrid Velázquez, Madrid, Vergara, Ontinyent, Paterna, Puerto de Sagunto, Sevilla, Tenerife, Torrente, Valencia Calle Bachiller, Valencia Nuevo Centro, Valencia Plaza España, Xàtiva and Zaragoza, and in 2019 they hope to have as many as 50 little clinics up and running.


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