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LIBERTAS 7 is 75 years old. - Valencia International


LIBERTAS 7 is 75 years old.

To celebrate it they have organised an exhibition a series of events.

The exhibition, which can be visited at Caballeros 22 in Valencia (Saturdays from 11am to 2pm and from 4pm to 7pm and Sundays from 11am to 2pm), traces a journey in images and videos of the evolution of the Company over the last 75 years. You can discover, through historical and unique photos, old advertisements and infographics, watercolours, plans and other materials, the projects undertaken by Libertas 7. You will find from the design and construction of Port Saplaya to the mark left on the Valencian neighbourhoods with the FICSA buildings. The exhibition gives an overview of the tourist establishments grouped under the Sea You Hotels brand. Finally, they show graphs illustrating Libertas 7’s investments as well as the activities of the L’Iber de los Soldaditos de Plomo Museum and the Libertas 7 Foundation.

The events are designed with the aim of promoting reflection in the real estate and financial fields. It will feature leading figures from each sector. They will also open the doors of our homes on guided tours: the Malferit Palace, where the Libertas 7 Foundation is located, and the Fernandez de Cordoba Palace, the Company’s head office.

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