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Ecovamos Wishes You a Sustainable Christmas - Valencia International


Ecovamos Wishes You a Sustainable Christmas

Ecovamos offers Valencia a guide to sustainable Christmas presents this year.

If you’re interested vaguely in the general idea that, well, it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to save the planet from total destruction sometime in the not too distant future, then you might be interested in Ecovamos, a web site created by a Madrid-based Valencian Maria José Fuertes in September 2011, that enables people living in Spain to find out where eco-events are taking place, and to advertise their own.


Personal development, healthy food and lifestyles; just about anything in fact prefaced by bio- or eco-; you’ll find it all in Ecovamos if it’s happening in Spain.

There is obviously a demand out there as between 2013 and 2014 more than 1800 events have been registered on the site, which means a lot of people are concerned and are doing something about it..

The number of health food and products shops that have opened recently in Valencia also indicates that a new kind of consumerism is emerging, and even my local supermarket has started selling ecological fruit and veg; you know, the stuff that’s weirdly shaped and turning an autumnal shade of brown before its time and yet even so costs double.

Maria José Fuertes is CEO and founder of having previously founded and run the Photography School and worked as International Training Manager and as International Customer Service Director. It was after a volunteering experience that took place in 2009 that she decided to focus on actions and projects that have a positive impact on the world and made a commitment to share and communicate her experience.

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