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LETHAVE PLANK – ASTHENOSPHERE - Valencia International



Electronic poems from planet Earth

Lethave Plank presents his new album, Asthenosphere, inspired by the perseverance of human beings to understand the planet they inhabit through the theory of continental drift. Orogenic belt is the first single extracted from the album, released on April 14, 2020.

Lethave Plank is a musician from Valencia (Spain). He is a musician with a long sound background, and he is behind projects like the Gaussian blog (dedicated to electroacoustic and acoustic music), the label Músicas a lo Lejos (focused on electronic gliding and spacemusic) or albums like Anatomía del Ruido. He has also been a contributor to the cultural section of the newspaper Levante-EMV and has written technical treatises such as La espacialización del sonido a través del efecto Haas.

Asthenosphere is a classic spacemusic style album, immersive, gliding, keeping the analog sound and characteristic electronic effects. The spacemusic is a subgenre of electronic music derived from progressive rock, which maintains strong links with kraut-rock, ambient, pop and electronic avant-garde. It is described as contemplative, evasive and meditative.

Asthenosphere, according to Lethave Plank, “takes up the baton of a hypothesis that could not be proved until several decades after it was formulated, and in the romantic idea of a dream that survives its creator“.

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