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Jordi Machí: Artistic Heaven in Lebanon - Valencia International


Jordi Machí: Artistic Heaven in Lebanon

Jordí Machí travelled the world in search of success, paintbrush in hand, until his arrival in Lebanon in 2012, initially to visit a friend. A chance meeting with a Beirut businessan led to an exhibition, in which Jordí’s work sold out on the first night in February 2013; every artist’s idea of Heaven.

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One thing led to another, as one thing often does, and Jordí received offers to exhibit in Nigeria and Dubai. He also received a commission from a Lebanese collector to produce a series of works based on that person’s favourite childhood game ‘Monopoly’.

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Machi was born in the town of Algemesí, to the south of the city of Valencia and studied at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Valencia Polytechnic University, followed by a spell at the ‘Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia’, where he studied artistic anatomy with Professor Zochetta.

In 2007 a scholarship took him to Sao Paulo, Brazil, an experience that further aroused his desire and passion for travel and languages. After exhibiting his work in Italy, Brazil, Brussels and Spain, in 2009, he moved to Madrid, working in the Spanish film industry, before returning to his native Valencia.

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