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Is This the Tree of the Year? - Valencia International


Is This the Tree of the Year?

If you have read Lord of the Rings you will probably agree that trees are more intelligent than humans and definitely more tan politicians.

For those who would never vote for a politician, you now have an opportunity to vote for a tree.

The Plátano de Traver (Platanus hispanica) or plane tree, which stands in Riba-roja de Túria is a candidate to be the Spanish Tree of the Year, the only Valencian representative in 2018.

Autosave-File vom d-lab2/3 der AgfaPhoto GmbH

Our tree is 37 metres high, with a 5,25 metre trunk diametre and has been providing shade to local residents for 120 years.

When asked if it was nervous about the upcoming competition it shed some leaves and trembled.

Anyone can vote on-line, so let’s support our local tree; in fact a parliament full of live Wood would be a pleasant alternative.

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