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Home is Where the Heart is: Quimi Romar - Valencia International


Home is Where the Heart is: Quimi Romar

William Morris once said: “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful,” and the Valencian company Quimi Romar would appear to think the same, focusing as it does on products for keeping both your houses and yourself pristine, clean and feeling good.

In 2014 the company improved its revenues by 4%, with a notable expansion into the African markets, most notably in Algeria, Morocco and Angola, where the increase has been 26%.


In fact, in the last six years, the company has tripled its income from exports

With over a thousand products being manufactured at its plant near Náquera, the company sells in both small and large shops and its star products can be found in most of the big chains.




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