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Holiday pictures of almost 17 years ago - Valencia International


Holiday pictures of almost 17 years ago

Valencia International received this letter from Holland:

Dear Editor,

Today I was scanning some pictures we took almost 17 years ago in the area of Valencia. On leaving the city we took a wrong turn and ended up in the middle of an orange ‘farm’.

At that time we didn’t seen any oranges growing on a tree and didn’t see the people harvesting the oranges. So we made use of our mistake and stepped out of the car when we saw some people working.

They explained what they were doing and how the ‘milking’ of a tree works. We did shoot some pictures of this ‘family’ working there and forgot about the pictures until today, the 17th of the 7th month and 17 years ago.

We thought, maybe you would be interested to publish the pictures in your Spanish edition of your newspaper with a small explanation of it. Maybe the ‘family’ will recognise themselves.

We would love to send them the original pictures or you can make a print to hand them over.

Greetings from Jan and Janny Smit from Holland (The Netherlands).

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