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Gatopardo's 40 Years of Resurgence - Valencia International


Gatopardo’s 40 Years of Resurgence

Gatopardo reinvented itself with an event on Wednesday 18th September 2019, when it showcased new furniture and fabrics inspired by sea and land with a renewed family focus following the incorporation of well-known Valencian artist Pablo Noguera, who has joined the original owner, his mother, French-born Agnes Borel, in a revitalised version of a Valencian classic, the Valencian interior design shop, Gatopardo, featuring products from the prestigious firm Nobilis.

In 2015 we reported:

Gatopardo is back! After a few years focused on other things, this emblematic shop, where Valencians have been buying the most interesting fabrics for many years, is reopening in a very special place.


Calle Caballeros 20 is the home of the Noguera-Borel family, and the family-run museum, L’Iber, with the biggest collection of toy soldiers in the world, and now, it is once again home to Gatopardo, the shop of interior designer Agnes Borel, who brings a little bit of French je ne sais quois to Valencia, in a space that would no doubt have enchanted Visconti, on the ground floor of this 15th century Gothic building that has seen 700 years of Valencian history.




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