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First International Pilgrim Finishes the Route of the Grail - Valencia International


First International Pilgrim Finishes the Route of the Grail

Wednesday 11th September 2019 marked the arrival at Massamagrell of the first international pilgrim to walk the route of the Way of the Holy Grail, Italian Antonio Aiardi.

The Grail route begins at the Royal Pantheon Monastery of San Juan de la Peña and continues until the Chapel of the Holy Chalice in the cathedral of Valencia.

Antonio is currently retired and has walked in different parts of the world. He is a teacher of “shiatsu” and a great connoisseur of oriental culture.

He started on his journey with his Italian colleague Marco Pioselli, technician of the multinational company located in Riba-roja de Túria Antares Iluminación S.A.U. – FLOS Architectural. Marco contacted the Cultural Association El Camino del Santo Grial through Facebook to help them make the journey with maximum guarantees.

Unfortunately, Marco had to leave the way, which they had started to walk on August 30th 2019, near Teruel.

Although the path is not marked, the route can be followed online.

Antonio arrived at Valencia Cathedral on 12th September 2019 at midday; the grails first modern, international pilgrim.


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