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Fallas is Dead; Long Live Fallas! - Valencia International


Fallas is Dead; Long Live Fallas!

The last of the gunpowder has exploded; although there always seems to be at least one kid in every neighbourhood who has some lethal explosives left over.


The tears have been shed; although there will always be some sweat spilled in order to build the new offers to the flames, which are already gelling in the minds of Fallas artists all over Valencia and beyond.


The dresses and costumes are returned to their closets for another year and suddenly the traffic is back and yet there still seems to be less parking space than ever before.


Valencia has welcomed visitors from all over the world and has laughed and celebrated the joy that is Fallas, when Valencia embraces spring, and new life; and Valencia weeps for those who didn’t make it home; and because Fallas, and Valencia, are all about family, Valencia and its Falleros and Falleras grieve for the families whose loved ones have been tragically taken, with no apparent rhyme or reason, and with no explanation that any reasonable person could find.

Life goes on, there is no alternative; we will laugh and weep and remember another year.


Fallas is all about life, and passion, and sharing a wonderful, communal experience with people from all over.

Fallas is dead; long live Fallas!


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