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Eleven Valencia Art Spaces Opened Simultaneously For Sunday “Art Walk” - Valencia International


Eleven Valencia Art Spaces Opened Simultaneously For Sunday “Art Walk”

A new initiative to safely support the city’s visual arts within current covid restrictions

●Art Walk Valencia ● Sunday 18 April 2021, 11.00-14.00 ●

Participating art spaces: ●SET Espai D’Art, El Carmen●Jan Royce Gallery, Ciutat Vella●LABA Valencia, El Carmen●Galería La Mercería, El Carmen●La Trina, La Zaidía●Lanevera, Russafa●Splendini, Russafa●Sporting Club Russafa●The RW Project, Russafa●Ártika Ruzafa●FreeZia,

Art Walk Valencia launched in a bid to support independent art spaces in the city. Eleven galleries and art venues opened simultaneously on Sunday 18 April from11.00-14.00, with a guide map and information published on

Art Walk is free and open to all, with “Art Walkers” to take part in groups of four or less in line with current covid restrictions. There is no set route between the eleven venues, but the furthest galleries, La Trini in La Zaidía and Lanevera in Russafa, are just a 30 minute walk apart.

Art Walk was organised by Bay Backner, a British artist who moved to Valencia three years ago.

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The idea came out of a conversation with Kristin Gracie, founder of Russafa’s The RW Project, about how to safely open their current exhibition to visitors.

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“Covid has challenged artists to become more creative about sharing our work. It’s been a year now without normal gallery inaugurations or artist talks in independent spaces,” explains Bay. “Before Covid I organised a Meet up group of 1,000 art-goers in Valencia. Since lockdown, many have asked me how they can continue to support Valencia’s artists,” she continues. “Art Walk makes it easy to visit some of our city’s most exciting art spaces. In English these are called “grassroots” arts spaces because they encourage emerging artists. If we can help them to grow their audience, we all benefit from a thriving art scene.

”The Jan Royce Gallery in El Carmen was the first gallery to agree to open on Sunday 18 April for Art Walk. Director Cornelis Moonen explains, “Art Walk is a wonderful initiative. It underlines how Valencia’s art galleries and artists continue to work together to present new contemporary art, in spite of this challenging year.” “By walking on a Sunday morning, we also support our neighbourhood’s restaurants and bars. I hope that many art-lovers find inspiration in the diversity of the art being presented, and enjoy (re-)discovering their vibrant, artistic city.

”Reyes Martinez, director of gallery SET Espai D’Art adds, “We are participating in Art Walk because we support any initiative that brings art closer to the public, that normalises visiting galleries and exhibitions, and that recognises the work that galleries do in supporting and representing artists.

”Art Walk was on Sunday 18 April 2021, from 11.00-14.00. All maps and information can be found on the web site.

Additional Information All participating spaces: Ciutat Vella SET Espai D’Art, El Carmen Plaça del Miracle del Mocadoret, 4, 46001 Exponiendo: Nosotras tejiendo el tiempo – Ana Esteve Llorens, Chingsum Jessye Luk, Pamen Pereira La Trini Carrer de la Trinitat, 10, 46009 Exponiendo: Pintura por Marta Gómez Lechón Galería La Mercería Carrer de Moratín, 7, 46002 Exponiendo: A la vuelta de la esquina – ROICE 183.

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